Easter Egg Wreath

    So I’ve been on this whole “I wanta be crafty” kick and yesterday I came across the cutest Easter Egg Wreath and thought I’d give it a shot.  Read on to see how to make this inexpensive and easy wreath.

    I bought this foam wreath from Michael’s for only $6.99 –woohoo!

    Then I went to Wal-Mart and got 2 bags of plastic eggs for only $1.97 a bag. –another woohoo!
    After that I gathered my glue gun and started gluing.  I smooshed them as close together as I could.  Make sure the eggs don’t pop open!  I didn’t put any on the backside of my wreath, but I did do the inner and outer edges.  I used just about all of my eggs from the 2 bags that I bought, but that amount would vary based on the size of your foam wreath. 

    And that was it!  Not bad for less than $10!!!  After looking at it, I also thought this would make a cute centerpiece for a table as well...but I'm gonna stick to using it as a wreath for the door.  I think I’m going to loop some wire ribbon around the wreath and nail the ribbon into the top edge of my front door – the flat part on the very top, not the front of the door.   Have any of you made a similar wreath?  I’d love to see it!  


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