Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
1. Faith –Thanks for giving me this idea. I hate we didn’t hang out more when I lived in Rock Hill. I’m pretty sure we could have been bff’s.
2. Momma –hands down, you are my rock. Words can’t explain how much you mean to me. Thanks for always being there and believing in me. You are one of the strongest people I know and have truly shown me what it is like to be a great Mom. I hope and pray that one day I’ll have the relationship with my kids like you do with me and Bobby.
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Me and Momma Beck |
3. Dad –I’m sort of at a loss of words when it comes to you. So many emotions are running through my head. Happy, sad, mad, grateful, etc. I miss you so bad that it hurts. I would give anything to have just one more conversation with you. From time to time I still pick up the phone and want to talk to you but realize I can’t because you aren’t here anymore. There are so many things I want to ask you and tell you….like, I’ve graduated and have found the love of my life, and moved out South Carolina…the state you love so much…and have an awesome job in Nashville…and the list goes on and on. But mainly I just want you to know how amazing you were and how much you are terribly missed by so many people. I didn’t realize how much of an impact you had on peoples lives until you were gone. I strive to be like you every day (in that aspect). I want to thank you for being such a great Dad. Even though you were taken away from us at such an early age, you have molded me and Bobby into the type of people that we will be for the rest of our lives….and there’s no better gift than that. So, until we see each other again, I’m gonna end with saying I love you and of course, Go Tigers.
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Robert L. singing to Me |
4. Garrett –I know we aren’t the “mushy gushy” type at all…but, you seriously are my favorite & I love you so much and thank God for putting you into my life. The first thing I noticed about you was how passionate and talented you are. God has so many great things in store for you and I will be an incredibly lucky girl if I’m by your side to witness all of it along with you. I don’t know how you do it, but still to this day “you got me dangling on a string.”
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Me and Garrett |
5. Jennifer – I hate our schedules right now and being so far away from you. I just want to snap my fingers and you be right here…or me be right there. Haha. You are such a great person and I sincerely believe in my heart that you are going to find what makes you happy and be extremely successful at it. “You’re my best friend.”
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My person |
6. The maker of Snuggie’s -GREAT IDEA! But seriously, why couldn’t you have made them with a back? It’s really annoying when you stand up and try to walk because it either falls off of you or you trip. I honestly have to wear it like a robe.
7. Claudia –Thanks for being my new best fran. You have truly made my “moving to Nashville” transition easier and I’m so thankful God put you in my life. Yay for lots and lots of good times in the future.
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Me and Claud |
8. JoAnna – Oh, JoAnna….what are you doing with your life? You are such a beautiful woman and have so much to offer. I just wish YOU actually believed in yourself and stopped letting all of your potential go down the drain.
9. Starbucks –Thank you for inventing the Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s absolutely incredible. I just wish it didn’t have so many calories.
10. God –Thank you for giving me breathe today and all of your many blessings. Thanks for giving me great parents that brought me up in a Christian home and taught me good morals. I am truly grateful for all that you have given me.